
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Another Sunday Afternoon

 Good day, readers! Today is another exciting chapter in the blog series entitled … Sunday Afternoon. :)


Food for thought:

The most fervent desires we bring to God in prayer ought to be desires having to do with His glory, His purposes, and His will. Too often, the only question on our minds is whether God is working things out the way we wish. Rarely do we concern ourselves with the more important question: whether what is happening redounds to the praise of God’s glory. Properly understood, prayer is about God, not about us.”

Gary Henry, Diligently Seeking God



Meal planning. My cooking day is Monday, and I tend to drive my long-suffering Mom crazy by my tendency to make meals by the seat of my pants unless I take the time to plan ahead! ;) { This } is a really yummy recipe ‘specially during the fall and winter -- think I'm making it tomorrow.



Listening to
Christy episodes

The Prince Caspian soundtrack

And, in order to redeem myself for that totally un-educational listening list ;) …

Brahms' Intermezzo No. 1 in E Flat Major from Op. 117. Played it in high school for competition and currently brought it out again. Love this piece.



The Hobbit
Jeremiah (the prophet, that is!)
Diligently Seeking God – marvelous daily reading, highly recommended.
We Were There at the Normandy Invasion – my current read-aloud! This is such a fun book.



Drinking: Republic of Tea Pumpkin Spice tea. YUM.



Writing for: 

ze blog
ze journal
ze quote book.


I hope your Sunday afternoon is equally peaceful. :) Have an edifying day!



  1. I loved that piece of music! Memories. :o)

  2. Very peaceful and relaxing, very nice! LY. D and Sudzie

  3. Sounds like such a pleasant afternoon!
