
Sunday, September 16, 2018

||| Harvest Time |||


While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
And cold and heat,
And summer and winter,
And day and night,
Shall not cease.
Genesis 8:22



Sitting here listening to the pounding rain … lovelovelove.

Smiling at my curled up dog <3

Sipping my healthy-non-allergy homemade version of the PSL (because Fall, Y'all)

Supposedly posting yesterday's fall harvest treasures! Apples and blackberries galore ... So here goes! :o)


Aren't they beautiful? They polish up to a ruddy loveliness when you rub them against your shirt … no wax needed here, y'all! ;) And unfortunately I didn't take a picture of the apple pie I concocted from some of them Friday afternoon … but it was a sight to behold ;)

These are the babes from the 4th of July! They've been enjoying harvest spoils too …

We are so blessed to have these beauties right out on our back property -- fresh berries can get EXPENSIVE! These are thick out back … and sharply armed. O_o 
I always associate September with Blackberry Harvest! Freezer's definitely filling up … and my arms and hands are showing it, hah! 

New benches for the bonfire area! Can't wait for some fall action out here. :)

My Dahlias. Please note (as I did not when taking this) the gargantuan spider on the right. Ugh.


Have a beautiful week and Happy September!!

Then your light will break out like the dawn,
And your recovery will speedily spring forth;
And your righteousness will go before you;
The glory of the LORD will be your rearguard.
Isaiah 58:8



  1. Lovely my Dear!!

  2. That looks like a great harvest of apples :-)

    1. Yes, and we still have more to pick!! O_O Thanks for the comment Ryan :)
