
Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Saturday Evening Post: Of Pumpkin Scones and Motherly Kindness

Tuesday night a few weeks ago, I announced that It Was Time, and I intended to get a Starbucks Pumpkin Scone on my way to work the next morning. I like to plan ahead when it comes to these big things -- celebration of fall, coloring leaves, and all that! ;) 

Pleased with my plan, Wednesday morning in the wee hours (5:40AM to be exact) I steered into the local drive through and cheerfully gave my order. And that remarkably inhospitable Starbucks had the audacity to tell me that they didn't have Pumpkin Scones! Pumpkin lattes, pumpkin muffins (which the Starbucks lady tried to convince me was a suitable substitute, but that is not a substitute at all, no indeed) -- but no Pumpkin Scones, not a one. Someone has apparently messed very greatly with Starbucks Priorities. Or maybe they weren't aware of the fact that October was only two weeks and one day away?

Well. My pumpkin-sconeless morning in tatters, I wended my way to work and later related the woeful story to my mother over the phone. She was duly sympathetic. However, the day went quite well in most respects and by the time I got home in the evening, I had mostly recovered my equilibrium and spirits. In fact, I wasn't even thinking of the morning's sorrowful events when I went into the kitchen and found, on the counter top, the following note accompanied by the results of some surprise baking:


For your coffee time in the morning!


PS: Please put the rest in a bag.

I have a very, very sweet mother. :o)

The End.

1 comment:

  1. This is why I am so happy you do a blog! I had completely forgotten about this!
    I love you!
