
Thursday, October 16, 2014

WHY are we serving God?


It is not wrong to have deep desires, nor is it wrong to make fervent supplications of God. But our desires must be humble, and our supplications must not be demanding. Our doing of what is right must never be contingent on whether God sees things our way in regard to how the universe should be run. It may challenge our faith to do so, but we must always acquiesce in God's will regardless of how His will may affect us personally ... The love to which we should aspire is one that loves God for His own sake, worships Him without compensation, and serves Him without self-interest. These things aren't easy in a world where most of us listen to station WIFM (What's In it For Me?).

Diligently Seeking God, Gary Henry
:: October 10 ::



  1. "Our doing of what is right must never be contingent on whether God sees things our way in regard to how the universe should be run." God's way is always better.....words to remember!

    WIFM = :O)

