
Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Manly Man

I was leaving for work the other morning and look at this sunrise! I was so glad I had my camera with me as I trotted out to my car. This - this is one of the best things about early work hours. :)


 From The Best Loved Poems of the American People (a jewel of a book my mom found thrifting the other day - I'm loving reading through it).

The world has room for the manly man, with the spirit of manly cheer;
The world delights in the man who smiles when his eyes keep back the tear;
It loves the man who, when things are wrong, can take his place and stand
With his face to the fight and his eyes to the light, and toil with a willing hand;
The manly man is the country's need, the moment's need, forsooth,
With a heart that beats to the pulsing troop of the lilied leagues of truth;
The world is his and it waits for him, and it leaps to hear the ring
Of the blow he strikes and the wheels he turns and hammers he dares to swing;
It likes the forward look on his face, the poise of his noble head,
And the onward lunge of his tireless will and the sweep of his dauntless tread!
Hurrah for the manly man who comes with sunlight on his face,
And the strength to do and the will to dare and the courage to find his place!
The world delights in the manly man, and the weak and evil flee
When the manly man goes forth to hold his own on land or sea!


 ~ This afternoon:

- A lemonade party with my sis! Delightful, except somehow we never can seem to stay serious with this stuff. Maybe that's what makes it so delightful, however. ;) Aliases like unto Mrs. Chitty-Chitty and Mrs. Bang-Bang probably don't help.

- A nap. I have never liked naps until recently, and I can only conclude it is because I am almost 25. Serious business, growing old ...

- The Andy Griffith Show and Alone Yet Not Alone. I'm only part of the way through this movie but so far it's a great independently made film with excellent values. I'm becoming increasingly impressed by many of the independent film makers today who are focused on putting out wholesome family fare! (** Edit: Watched ALL the way through and Mom couldn't get over the make-up. "PINK LIPS! What are they doing?! ... Mascara? ... Her hair's Too Blonde."
Next movie I watch will be By My Self. *grin*


Have a joy-filled week!!


  1. AnonymousJuly 20, 2015

    Well, it was fun anyway. Sometimes I think I need to get a job in "wardrobe/make-up" and help these poor movie makers out. I did like the storyline though.

    1. Oh mom ... that would be disastrous for them! ;)

  2. Beautiful sunrise photo :-)

    I have enjoyed some of the recent religious themed movies, "God's not dead", and the Kendrick brother movies, "Fire Proof" and one other that name escapes me. I see a number of others on Netflix i still need to check out.

    Being a quarter centennial is a blessing ;-) But don't nap too much, there is work to be done! :-)

  3. I haven't seen 'God's Not Dead,' but I have heard of it - I will have to look into that one. The Kendrick brothers' movies are excellent!
